Carey Lohrenz

Carey Lohrenz

Opening Session
Monday, June 2, 2014
8:00 am to 9:00 am

Carey Lohrenz knows what it takes to win in one of the highest pressure, extreme environments imaginable: in the cockpit at Mach 2.

As the first female F-14 Tomcat Fighter Pilot in the U.S. Navy, having flown missions worldwide as a combat-mission-ready United States Navy pilot, Lohrenz is used to working in fast moving, dynamic environments, where inconsistent execution can generate catastrophic results.

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The same challenges are found in business: markets change, customer needs evolve and if you do not adapt quickly your company is at risk.

In her motivating and engaging keynote presentations, Carey shares her fascinating experiences operating in one of the world's most challenging environments - an aircraft carrier. She is uniquely qualified in the fundamentals of winning under pressure, reducing errors and overcoming obstacles. Her mastery of these fundamentals can help your team triumph in this high-risk, time-crunched world.

Carey Lohrenz's timely message about High Performing Teams and developing a Culture of Learning is based on the best practices of high reliability organizations.  The processes of Planning, Briefing, Debriefing and Adjusting help businesses manage risk while becoming a High Performing Organization.  This message resonates with diverse audiences at every level of the company.

As one of The Corps Group's most dynamic speakers, Carey has been requested by name from some of the top Fortune 100 businesses. Her ability to connect with both an audience and on a one-on-one level, coupled with her knowledge and experience in leading high-performing, diverse teams, has made her highly sought after as a business consultant and speaker.

Carey is a powerhouse in the field of delivering engaging Leadership, High Performing Organizations and Diversity Training that directly impacts a company’s ROI and bottom line. Her experience in the all-male environment of fighter aviation and her ability to pass on the Lessons Learned in her career allow her to deliver insight and guidance from a credible platform on Women’s Leadership Issues.

Carey has delivered her leadership and strategy experience to such companies as Cisco, Underwriters Laboratories, AT&T, Kimberly Clark, State Farm Insurance and Sea Ray Boats, to name a few.

Carey graduated from the University of Wisconsin where she was a varsity rower, also training at the pre-Olympic level. After graduation, she attended the Navy’s Aviation Officer Candidate School before starting flight training and her naval career. She is currently working on her Master’s in Business Administration in Strategic Leadership. Carey is a Partner and the Vice President of Sales and Business Development at The Corps Group.

John Westphal

John Westphal

Medication Safety Collaborative
Sunday, June 1, 2014
1:30 pm to 3:30 pm

John Westphal is a Senior Advisor at Outcome Engenuity working in both industry and healthcare applying the Five Skills and teaching Just Culture Certification Courses. John has more than two decades of experience in high consequence industries.  He has worked in military, general, and commercial aviation; aerospace maintenance and flight operations; nuclear power; utility industries; the US Forest Service; database and information storage industry; manufacturing; and many aspects of healthcare.

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John worked at Northwest Airlines as Manager of Human Factors. At Northwest, John worked with the FAA, management, and union leadership to operationalize Just Culture concepts and facilitate progress within a unionized environment. He helped develop a round table event investigation format that brought management and union representatives together to examine the errors and choices within an event to establish the proper level of accountability. John also trained and coordinated an investigative team who analyzed events within the operation, applying the 5 Rules of Causation, to ensure a more thorough systemic analysis of organizational risk.

In healthcare John’s work has centered on Just Culture implementations and predictive risk modeling. John’s work in predictive risk modeling has employed the ST-PRA methodology for wrong-site surgery, smart pump programming errors, medication dispensing errors, injurious falls, chemotherapy administration errors, mislabeled specimens, and triage errors.  The interventions developed from these ST-PRA models have resulted in risk/rate reductions up to 95%. thorough systemic analysis of organizational risk. 

John has worked with NASA, healthcare, energy companies, and the airline industry developing prevention strategies using the Socio-Technical Probabilistic Risk Assessment (ST-PRA) methodology. John has developed predictive risk models and interventions for risks such as space shuttle maintenance errors, aircraft component installation errors, aircraft ground damage, aircraft crew errors, utility truck damage, high voltage deactivation errors, and overhead crane mishaps. John’s most recent and award winning work at NASA included work on human engineering design requirements and risk modeling tools for the Constellation project.

John is a Six Sigma Black Belt and holds a BS in Aviation Business Management from Minnesota State University, Mankato.

Danny Sands

Danny Sands, MD, MPH

Informatics Institute
Sunday, June 1, 2014
1:30 pm to 3:30 pm

Dr. Danny Sands is passionate about healthcare transformation, non-visit based care, collaboration in healthcare, and participatory medicine. Until 2012 he was CIMO at Cisco, and prior to that CMO for Zix Corporation, a dominant force in secure e-mail and e-prescribing. Before that, he was at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, where he developed and implemented numerous innovative systems, including clinical decision support systems, an electronic health record, and one of the nation’s first patient portals. He was awarded by the HealthLeaders Magazine’s as one of “20 People Who Make Healthcare Better.” For twenty years he has maintained a primary care practice in which he makes extensive use of health IT.