ASHP 75th Anniversary Timeline

A Look at Our History and Your Vision for Our Future 
  1. 1752

    First Hospital Pharmacy in Colonial America
    First Hospital Pharmacy in Colonial America by Robert Thom
    Hospital pharmacy in the United States can be traced to 1752 at Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia, where Jonathan Roberts was the first pharmacist at our nation’s first hospital.
  2. 1924

    Formal Organization
    A partial listing of the first members of the Hospital Pharmacy Association of Southern California
    First members of the Hospital Pharmacy Association of Southern California
    The first formal pharmacy organization in the U.S., the Hospital Pharmacy Association of Southern California, is founded. Other associations are founded in the 1930s, mainly in the Mid-Atlantic and Midwest.
  3. 1936

    Hospital Pharmacy Recognized
    A subsection on hospital pharmacy is formed as part of the American Pharmaceutical Association’s Section on Practical Pharmacy and Dispensing.

    Basis for Modern Hospital Pharmacy
    Edward Spease
    Edward Spease
    “Minimum Standards for Modern Hospital Pharmacy” by Edward Spease and Robert M. Porter is published. This is considered to be the foundation for modern hospital pharmacy practice.
  4. 1941

    Foundation for a New Association
    Harvey A.K. Whitney
    Harvey A.K. Whitney
    Harvey A.K. Whitney proposes the development of a new professional association for hospital pharmacists and appoints a committee to draft a constitution and bylaws.
  1. 1942

    Our Founding
    Attendees at first Annual Meeting
    Attendees at first Annual Meeting
    On August 21, 1942, the American Society of Hospital Pharmacists is founded with 153 charter members. Harvey A.K. Whitney is elected Chairman of ASHP; Donald A. Clarke, Vice Chairman; Hazel Landeen, Secretary; and Sister Ludmilla, Treasurer.
  2. 1943

    The Voice of ASHP
    First ASHP Bulletin
    Official Bulletin of the American Society of Hospital Pharmacists
    ASHP launches its own membership periodical, the Official Bulletin of the American Society of Hospital Pharmacists.
  3. 1946

    First Institute
    Wide Shot of Crowd
    Attendees at the first Institute on Hospital Pharmacy at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
    The first Institute on Hospital Pharmacy, co-sponsored by ASHP, is held July 15–19 at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. The institute serves to educate members, encourage exchange of ideas, and enhance ASHP’s national stature.
    Hospital Pharmacists Wanted
    Duke University Hospital pharmacists
    Duke University Hospital pharmacists (L–R) Eugene Brown, Thomas Reamer, Archie Mills, and Hunter Kelly
    The Hospital Survey and Construction Act (Hill-Burton Act) is passed, leading to an expected increase in demand for hospital pharmacists.
  4. 1947

    Membership Growth
    Members at ASHP’s Meeting in Milwaukee
    Members at ASHP’s Annual Meeting in Milwaukee
    By its fifth anniversary, ASHP numbers 1,000 members.
    Evolution of Pharmacy Standards
    ASHP formulates “Minimum Standards for Pharmacies in Hospitals,” elaborating on the 1936 version by Edward Spease and Robert M. Porter. It is approved in 1950.
  5. 1948

    First Internship Standards
    ASHP publishes its first “Standards for Internships in Hospital Pharmacy.” Approved in 1951, this later leads to our residency accreditation program.
  1. 1950

    Dr. Gloria Niemeyer (Francke)
    Dr. Gloria Niemeyer
    Dr. Gloria Niemeyer, ASHP Secretary and Executive Secretary
    Dr. Gloria Niemeyer serves as ASHP Secretary from 1950 to 1958, and as Executive Secretary from 1958 to 1960.
    Distinguished Award
    Arthur W. Purdum, the first recipient of the Harvey A.K. Whitney Lecture Award
    Arthur W. Purdum, the first recipient of the award
    The Harvey A.K. Whitney Lecture Award is established by the Michigan Society of Hospital Pharmacists. ASHP assumes responsibilities for administration in 1963.
  2. 1952

    Ten-Year Milestones
    1952 Annual Meeting Decennial Banquet – Speakers’ table
    1952 Annual Meeting Decennial Banquet
    ASHP celebrates its decennial in Philadelphia with 2,000 members and 32 affiliated chapters. Members endorse the first increase in annual dues to $5.
  3. 1958

    A Name Change
    Cover of American Journal of Hospital Pharmacy
    Cover of American Journal of Hospital Pharmacy (1958)
    The Bulletin becomes a monthly publication and changes its name to American Journal of Hospital Pharmacy.
  4. 1959

    American Hospital Formulary Service
    First edition of American Hospital Formulary Service
    First edition of American Hospital Formulary Service
    The American Hospital Formulary Service, first proposed in 1954 and stemming from the formulary of the University of Michigan Hospital, is published.
  5. 1960

    Dr. Joseph A. Oddis
    Dr. Joseph A. Oddis, Sc.D.
    Dr. Joseph A. Oddis, Sc.D., ASHP’s first full-time executive officer
    Dr. Joseph A. Oddis is appointed as ASHP’s first full-time executive officer.
  1. 1962

    New Terminology

    ASHP replaces the term “internship” with “residency.”
  2. 1963

    Accredited Residencies
    Directory of Approved Residencies
    ASHP approves 32 residency programs in its initial year of accrediting hospital pharmacy programs.
  3. 1964

    Comprehensive Audit of Services
    Mirror to Hospital Pharmacy
    Mirror to Hospital Pharmacy published
    Supported by a federal grant of $36,000 in 1956, ASHP publishes Mirror to Hospital Pharmacy, the first comprehensive audit of pharmaceutical services in U.S. hospitals.
    Conference on Drug Information Services
    Drug Information Center
    Drug Information Center, University Hospital, University of Kentucky, Lexington
    ASHP sponsors the first Conference on Drug Information Services, at the University of Kentucky Medical Center, to determine a plan for assisting drug information centers in pharmacy departments.
  4. 1965

    Aiding Medicare Patients
    Social Security amendments create Medicare’s hospital insurance benefit, mandating that hospital pharmacies providing services to Medicare beneficiaries either be directed by registered pharmacists or deliver drugs prepared by qualified pharmacists.
    Special Conference on Drug Distribution
    Special Conference on Drug Distribution
    Special Conference on Drug Distribution
    Nearly 350 people attend the Special Conference on Drug Distribution in Washington, D.C. — the most attendees at an ASHP meeting to date. A forerunner to the Midyear Clinical Meeting, the conference is open to representatives of the drug, packaging, and equipment industries, as well as to hospital pharmacists.
  5. 1966

    First Midyear Meeting
    Announcement for first Midyear Clinical Meeting
    Announcement for first Midyear Clinical Meeting in AJHP
    The inaugural ASHP Clinical Midyear Meeting is held in Washington, D.C., November 28–30.
    Residency Preceptor Conference
    The first ASHP Residency Preceptor Conference is conducted.
    Headquarters Move
    New headquarters at 4630 Montgomery Ave. in Bethesda, Md.
    New headquarters
    ASHP moves its headquarters to offices at 4630 Montgomery Avenue in Bethesda, Md., and establishes a building fund for future space needs.
  6. 1967

    25th Anniversary Achievements
    At 25 years, membership climbs to 4,500, with 72 affiliated chapters. ASHP staff grows to 30 employees.
  1. 1968

    Executive Residency Program
    Lawrence H. Leong
    Lawrence H. Leong, ASHP Executive Resident 1968–69
    The Executive Residency Program, a formal postgraduate in-service training program in ASHP’s administrative practice and procedures, is established.
    New Foundation
    Dr. Joseph A Oddis
    Dr. Joseph A. Oddis
    Joseph Beckerman
    Joseph Beckerman
    Milton Skolaut
    Milton Skolaut
    The ASHP Research and Education Foundation is created by three visionary leaders in health-system pharmacy: Dr. Joseph A. Oddis, Joseph Beckerman, and Milton Skolaut
  2. 1970

    Building Purchase
    ASHP purchases the headquarters building that it had been leasing.
  3. 1972

    Dr. Wendell T. Hill Jr.
    Dr. Wendell T. Hill Jr.
    Dr. Wendell T. Hill Jr.
    ASHP elects its first African-American president, Dr. Wendell T. Hill Jr.
  4. 1975

    Special Interest Groups
    Listing of ASHP Special Interest Groups
    Listing of ASHP Special Interest Groups
    ASHP Special Interest Groups are formed.
  5. 1976

    National Drug Shortage Monitoring Program
    News release on Drug Shortage Monitoring Program
    News release on Drug Shortage Monitoring Program
    The National Drug Shortage Monitoring Program, a joint effort of ASHP and the FDA, is implemented.
  6. 1977

    New Standards
    “Minimum Standards for Pharmacies in Hospitals” is entirely redrafted and receives a new title — “Minimum Standards for Pharmacies in Institutions.”
    Joint Commission
    Brochure on Joint Commission of Pharmacy Practitioners
    Brochure on Joint Commission of Pharmacy Practitioners
    ASHP helps organize the Joint Commission of Pharmacy Practitioners.
  7. 1978

    Guidelines for Fellowship
    News release announcing oncology fellowship
    News release announcing oncology fellowship
    ASHP Oncology Pharmacy Practice Special Interest Group develops guidelines for the first fellowship program supported by the ASHP Foundation.
    Madam President
    Sister Mary Gonzales
    Sister Mary Gonzales, ASHP President (1978–1979)
    ASHP elects its first female president, Sister Mary Gonzales.
  8. 1979

    Psychology Pharmacy Residency Accreditation
    Psychology Pharmacy Practice Special Interest Group develops first ASHP accreditation standards for specialized residency training.
    ASHP Residency Match
    ASHP’s Residency Match program begins.
  9. 1981

    Independent Annual Meeting
    ASHP Board of Directors
    ASHP Board of Directors
    ASHP holds its first stand-alone annual meeting.
  10. 1982

    Examining Drug Therapy
    Clinical Pharmacy v.1(1) 1982
    Cover of Clinical Pharmacy v.1(1) 1982
    Clinical Pharmacy, a new ASHP journal focusing on drug therapy information, is first published.
  1. 1983

    Technician Accreditation
    The ASHP Board approves standards for accreditation of hospital pharmacy technician training programs.
  2. 1984

    Pharmacy in the 21st Century
    Conference attendees
    Conference attendees
    The first “Pharmacy in the 21st Century” conference is held in Millwood, Va.
  3. 1985

    Hilton Head Conference
    “Directions for Clinical Practice in Pharmacy” (Hilton Head) conference
    ASHP and the ASHP Foundation sponsor the invitational conference “Directions for Clinical Practice in Pharmacy,” also known as the Hilton Head conference, which attracts 146 participants in February.
  4. 1989

    Pharmacy in the 21st Century Conference II
    The second “Pharmacy in the 21st Century” conference is held. The concept of pharmaceutical care is proposed as the new mission for the profession.
  5. 1990

    Commission on Therapeutics
    Commission on Therapeutics
    The Commission on Therapeutics is formed.
  6. 1991

    Department of Student Affairs
    ASHP Task Force on Students
    ASHP establishes the Department of Student Affairs, making this function a separate organizational entity for the first time. By year’s end, student membership reaches 2,500.
  7. 1992

    50th Anniversary
    New headquarters at 7272 Wisconsin Ave. in Bethesda, Md.
    New headquarters at 7272 Wisconsin Ave. in Bethesda, Md.
    ASHP celebrates its semi-centennial year with membership at 27,000, a budget of $22 million, 153 personnel on staff, and 14,000 people attending the Midyear Clinical Meeting. A new headquarters at 7272 Wisconsin Ave. in Bethesda, Md., is purchased.
  8. 1993

    New Section of Home Care Practitioners
    Section of Home Care Practitioners at the Midyear Clinical Meeting
    Section of Home Care Practitioners at the Midyear Clinical Meeting
    The ASHP Home Care Advisory Group guides the implementation of the new ASHP Section of Home Care Practitioners, which officially forms in 1994. The name is changed to the Section of Home, Ambulatory, and Chronic Care Practitioners in 1996 and then to the Section of Ambulatory Care Practitioners in 2002.
    San Antonio Conference
    Proceedings of the San Antonio Conference
    Proceedings of the San Antonio Conference
    The ASHP San Antonio Conference is conducted to clarify and identify effective strategies for implementing pharmaceutical care.
  9. 1994

    Pharmacy Student Forum
    Student Forum members
    Student Forum members
    Pharmacy Student Forum is launched and becomes one of ASHP’s fastest growing membership categories.
    Journals Merge
    ASHP’s two journals — Clinical Pharmacy and AJHP — merge in January and continue as a twice-monthly publication under the AJHP name.
    Name Change
    ASHP House of Delegates approves name change to American Society of Health-System Phamacists. Concurrent with this, AJHP and affiliated state chapters change their names as well.
  10. 1995

    Clinical Specialists Section
    Section of Clinical Specialists booth at the Midyear Clinical Meeting
    Section of Clinical Specialists booth at the Midyear Clinical Meeting
    The Section of Clinical Specialists is officially formed.
    Center on Pharmacy Practice Management
    Announcement for the Center on Pharmacy Practice Management
    Announcement for the Center on Pharmacy Practice Management
    ASHP launches the Center on Pharmacy Practice Management, a resource for pharmacists on practice management issues in health systems. Its first major achievement is developing the National Survey on Quality Assurance Program for Sterile Products.
    Pharmacy Technician Certification
    Pharmacy Technician Certification Board Members and Representatives
    Pharmacy Technician Certification Board members and association representatives
    The Pharmacy Technician Certification Board is created.
  11. 1996

    Leadership Conference
    Leadership Conference on Pharmacy Practice.
    Leadership Conference on Pharmacy Practice
    The first annual Leadership Conference on Pharmacy Practice is held.
  1. 1997

    Dr. Henri R. Manasse
    Dr. Henri R. Manasse, ASHP Executive Vice President
    Dr. Henri R. Manasse, ASHP Executive Vice President
    Dr. Henri R. Manasse becomes ASHP Executive Vice President.
  2. 1998

    Collaborating on Credentialing
    ASHP works with seven other national pharmacy organizations to form the Council on Credentialing in Pharmacy.
  3. 2000

    Doctor of Pharmacy
    Doctor of Pharmacy is adopted as the entry-level degree for the pharmacy profession.
  4. 2003

    Membership Community Growth
    2003–2004 Section of Pharmacy Practice Managers
    2003–04 Section of Pharmacy Practice Managers Executive Committee
    With the addition of the Section of Inpatient Care Practitioners, the Section of Pharmacy Practice Managers, and the New Practitioners Forum, ASHP has six distinct membership communities.
  5. 2005

    Advancement in Accreditation
    New accreditation standards for postgraduate year 1 (PGY1) and postgraduate year 2 (PGY2) residency programs are released.
  6. 2007

    Section of Pharmacy Informatics and Technology
    2007–2008 Section of Pharmacy Informatics and Technology Executive Committee (sitting, L–R) Lynnae Mahaney, John Poikonen; (standing, L–R) Karl Gumpper, Brent Fox, Jeff Ramirez, Dennis Tribble, and Mark Siska
    2007-08 Section of Pharmacy Informatics and Technology Executive Committee
    The Section of Pharmacy Informatics and Technology is added as a membership community.
  7. 2010

    Pharmacy Practice Model Initiative Summit
    ASHP and the ASHP Foundation sponsor the Pharmacy Practice Model Initiative (PPMI) Summit. Participants at the invitational consensus conference develop practice recommendations to support pharmacists' roles as direct patient care providers.
  8. 2011

    Dr. Paul W. Abramowitz
    Dr. Paul W. Abramowitz
    Dr. Paul W. Abramowitz, ASHP Chief Executive Officer
    Dr. Paul W. Abramowitz becomes ASHP Chief Executive Officer.
  9. 2013

    For the Greater Good
    ASHP joins the governance body of the Center for Pharmacy Practice Accreditation, an organization that recognizes pharmacy practices for providing patient care services that improve health outcomes and contribute to lower healthcare costs.
    Taking Residencies Global
    ASHP residency accreditation is expanded internationally.
  10. 2014

    Serving the Underserved
    Introducing legislation to meet the needs of more American
    Introducing legislation to meet the needs of more Americans
    ASHP and the Patient Access to Pharmacists’ Care Coalition work together to introduce bipartisan legislation H.R. 4190, which recognizes pharmacists as Medicare Part B providers working within their states’ scope of practice in medically underserved areas throughout the U.S. A companion bill, S. 109, is later introduced in the Senate, and the bill is renamed the Pharmacy and Medically Underserved Areas Enhancement Act.
    Ambulatory Care Summit
    This follow-up to the 2010 PPMI Summit focuses on developing recommendations to strengthen pharmacists’ patient care activities in outpatient settings.
    A New Look
    ASHP introduces a new logo and tagline to better represent our mission and vision, as well as our members’ role as healthcare providers.
    A New Vision
    ASHP establishes a new vision: ASHP’s vision is that medication use will be optimal, safe, and effective for all people all of the time.
    Pharmacy Technician Accreditation Commission
    Launched with the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), the Pharmacy Technician Accreditation Commission expands pharmacy technician education and training programs.
  11. 2015

    Summit Rebrand
    The Pharmacy Practice Model Initiative and Ambulatory Care Summit are rebranded as the Practice Advancement Initiative (PAI) to focus on ASHP members in and across all sites of care.
    AJHP Residents Edition Published
    None yet
    Inaugural cover of the AJHP Residents Edition
    The Residents Edition of AJHP is introduced on June 1.
    Women in Pharmacy Leadership Task Force
    Task force helps ASHP address the unique professional and leadership development needs of women in the pharmacy workforce
    Task force helps women become pharmacy leaders
    The Women in Pharmacy Leadership Task Force is launched.
  12. 2016

    Expanding Education
    ASHP launches its library of professional certificates to prepare its members for new advances in medication therapy.
    ASHP International
    ASHP International is launched to help enhance global pharmacy practice.
    A New Era for AJHP
    The redesigned AJHP
    The redesigned AJHP
    The redesigned AJHP includes theme issues, an increased focus on ambulatory care, and an enhanced digital experience.
  13. 2017

    A New Home
    ASHP moves into new headquarters at 4500 East West Highway in Bethesda, Md.
    A New Online Presence
    The newly designed
    The newly designed
    ASHP launches a new website in March that consolidates ASHP’s diverse websites into one digital ecosystem.
    ASHP Consulting
    ASHP Consulting is launched to provide advice and solutions for the full spectrum of medication use in hospitals, ambulatory care clinics, and other healthcare settings.
    Conference Collaboration
    ASHP is co-convener with the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board and the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education of a Pharmacy Technician Stakeholder Consensus Conference. Conference participants develop recommendations that support the evolution of pharmacy technician roles as pharmacists take on increasing responsibility for direct patient care.
    A Story 75 Years Strong
    Here are some of the milestones we are celebrating in ASHP’s 75th year:

     Membership has risen to nearly 45,000.

     Residency positions have grown to nearly 4,600 positions offered per year.

     The global impact of ASHP has increased markedly through products and services, including residency accreditation, educational conferences, publishing, ASHP Consulting Service, and membership.

     The number of members identifying as ambulatory care pharmacists has expanded rapidly to reflect the growing number of pharmacists practicing in clinics and leading the improvement of medication use across all healthcare settings.

     Advocacy influence and the involvement of members have grown — contributions to ASHP-PAC have more than tripled in recent years.

     Attendance at the Midyear Clinical Meeting has grown to 25,000+.


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