Click the buttons below to view the top 25 drugs and drug categories by sector
Hover or click on the bar charts below for more information about drug expenditures

Top 25 Drugs

Top 25 drugs in 2016 by total expenditures in all sectors.

Top 25 Drug Categories

Top 25 drug categories in 2016 by total expenditures in all sectors.

Note: Total expenditures includes chain drug stores, clinics, federal facilities, food stores, HMOs, home healthcare organizations, independent pharmacies, long-term care facilities, mail-order pharmacies, nonfederal hospitals, and miscellaneous other distribution channels and entities.
Hover or click on the buttons and chart below for more information on drug expenditure trends

Drug Expenditure Trends, 1999 to 2016

1. Expenditures are displayed in nominal dollars (i.e., the amount at the time for each year) as opposed to real or constant dollars (adjusted or discounted to a common year, usually based on CPI).
2. Total expenditures includes chain drug stores, clinics, federal facilities, food stores, HMOs, home healthcare organizations, independent pharmacies, long-term care facilities, mail-order pharmacies, nonfederal hospitals, and miscellaneous other distribution channels and entities.
3. Expenditures are as reported in IMS Health National Sales Perspectives database.
4. Total dollar amounts, percentages, and categories included in this data visualization may differ slightly from the published article, National trends in prescription drug expenditures and projections for 2017.
Source: Schumock GT, Li EC, Wiest MD, Suda KJ, Stubbings J, Matusiak LM, Hunkler RJ, Vermeulen LC. National trends in prescription drug expenditures and projections for 2017. Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2017 May 22. pii: ajhp170164. doi: 10.2146/ajhp170164. [Epub ahead of print]
Interactive: Juan Thomassie