Use of Accreditation Trademark and Logo These ASHP Accreditation trademarks, logos and icons may be downloaded from the ASHP web site and used only by ASHP-accredited residency programs or residency programs that have submitted completed applications after receiving formal written notification from ASHP. The trademarks and logos may be used only by the residency program in connection with pharmacy residency activities such as brochures, promotional materials, posters, certificates of completion issued to residents, catalogs, and bulletins. The trademarks may not be used in conjunction with routine pharmacy departmental communications or other departmental or institutional activities that are unrelated to the pharmacy residency program. ASHP reserves the right to monitor use and revoke use of the accreditation trademark and logo if used inappropriately or for any illegal or unauthorized purpose. All inquiries regarding the use of the ASHP accreditation trademark and logo are to be directed to Goldie Holloman, 301-664-8840 or |